How To Contribute To This Site

How to manage existing blog posts and create new ones on this site.

How To Contribute To This Site

All blog posts are located inside the src/routes/(blog-article) folder. Each folder inside it represents a blog post, and each folder has a file, which is the file that contains the post’s content.

This way, the URL for each blog post is generated with the folder’s name. For example, the folder src/routes/(blog-article)/how-blog-posts-work will generate the URL

All posts are Markdown files, which means you can use the Markdown syntax in them, and it will work out of the box. However, since this projects uses MDsveX to parse Markdown, you can also use Svelte components inside them! This means that the components used in other pages can also be used in blog posts.

This is a Svelte component inside a Markdown file!


Besides the blog post page itself, the blog posts can be displayed in other places, such as the /blog page, which lists all blog posts, and the <RecentPosts> component, used in the home page.

To be able to do that, posts are processed in the src/lib/data/blog-posts/index.ts file. That file imports the blog post files and processes them, so we’re able to use some of the post’s metadata to list them. For example, we get the post’s title, cover image, and calculate the reading time based on its content, so that information is displayed in the blog post cards in the /blog page.

There is also some basic logic to get related posts based on a post’s tags. The logic should be straightforward enough to modify it to your needs.

Creating a new post

To create a new post, create a new folder inside the src/routes/(blog-article) folder, and inside it, create a file. The folder name will be used as the post’s URL slug, so make sure it’s a valid URL slug.

Inside the file, you must start with the front matter, which is a YAML-like syntax that is used to define metadata for the post. The front matter must be the first thing in the file, and must be separated from the rest of the content by three dashes (---). An example of a front matter is:

slug: my-new-blog-post
title: My New Blog Post
date: 2023-04-22T20:45:25.350Z
excerpt: A short description of the post
coverImage: /images/posts/cover-image.jpg
  - Example

Managing blog posts

I highly recommend the Front Matter VS Code extension to manage blog posts. It gives you a nice CMS-like UI to manage the front matter of all blog posts, as well as a preview of their content. It is, of course, optional, and you can manage everything directly in the Markdown files if you prefer.

Screenshot of the Front Matter VS Code extension, showing the dashboard with all posts Screenshot of the Front Matter VS Code extension, showing the post editing UI


This template automatically generates a RSS feed of your blog posts. It is generated in the src/routes/rss.xml/+server.ts file, and it is available at the /rss.xml URL.